Saturday 9 January 2010

A snowbird's FREE Work Book to accompany Lee McIntyre's DVD Workshop


Great News I'm snowed in..............

This is my road............

........and this is my car!!

I guess that means that I don't have to go out to work today. Woohoo extended Xmas!

Ok so as I've been snowed in and I've decided to go over the notes I made after I watched Lee McIntyre's DVD Workshop. I'm sure that you'll want to get into the content straight away once you gain access to his site. The only problem is that it's a 2 day Workshop so it is very long.

Now if you know anything about Lee you know that he he talks fast. He also packs in important concepts idea's and strategies that work. Therefore you can't afford to miss one of these gems.

So I've created this little workbook tool which you can have totally free of charge. You can print it and make notes / comments on what you have just watched then file it away in a safe place so you can go back and refer to it as and when you need to.

Basically I've gone through each section of the workshop ( it's split into 8 sessions ) and written notes, some concepts and ideas that I took from the workshop, and left spaces so you can note down your ideas.

A WARNING! This PDF is designed to save you time, hopefully help you to structure your notes better. Also release you from writing extensive notes and having to stop / start the video every few minutes.

Just remember, we all see the world differently and view concepts and idea's differently. This is not a substitute for your own notes for points of interest. And of course it is a free resource and thus I reserve the right to make the odd error!!

Now this is VERY IMPORTANT - I've created this workbook resource for Point and Click Members Only. But that includes trial members too - even if you don't continue with the program, which you are under no obligation of course. I just want you to get the best out of this workshop, it could literally change your life!

All you need to do is:

  1. Click on one of the banners on this page and order your 2 day workshop.

  2. Login to the Point and Click Coaching Program and watch the induction video from Lee McIntyre and take a look around the site

  3. Come back here and leave a comment and let me know what you think, just ensure it is either about the point and click membership area or workshop, leaving your e-mail of course.

  4. I will send you and e-mail, to which you can reply back to, asking you whether you would like the free workbook. I have to verify that you have been on the site so on the e-mail you will have a couple of easy questions to answer about what is in the membership area.

I have to do it this way as I do not have copyright over his material, but I want to do what I can to help Lee help his members to get the most out of this fantastic workshop.

Ok - I'm off to make Angels, I may even make a snowman from the snow on my car and have him ride around with me when I pop down to Tesco's!

Bye for now,


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